Having an organized workplace is key to getting things done. I’m aware that there are different opinions about that. Some people claim that they’re at their most productive when they’re surrounded by chaos. They claim to know where everything is they need and seem to thrive in such an environment.
However, others have a chaotic desk but feel the exact opposite: They know that their productivity and quality of work would benefit from a more organized desk. If you belong to the latter group, this post is for you! I will show you how to declutter your desk the KonMari-way and keep it organized in 9 easy steps.
1) Take Stock
Before you start to declutter your desk, take a moment and take stock of your existing arrangements. Look at your desk and the surrounding areas and determine what areas belong to your workspace and need your attention. This may include your desk, filing storage and everything related to your work that is stored nearby and maybe even in a different room/location. Take note of the amount of clutter and what’s going on in general. Just get a good overview of what you’re dealing with. You can do this by jotting down physical or by taking mental notes.
2) Evaluate & Envision
Think about the times you’re spending time at your desk or workplace and your associated habits. Do you work from home and typically roll out of bed, sit on your desk and eat your breakfast there while checking emails? Do you have set working hours you’re at your desk or not? Are there things you do on your desk that aren’t work-related?
Take note of all these things and evaluate how your current routine and habits are serving you or if there are things you would like to change. Envision your ideal work environment and desk habits. Keep this vision in mind and let it inform your choices as you proceed through the next steps.
3) Clear Out
Remove everything from your desk and clear out all other work-related storage units etc. And I mean EVERYTHING. Even the little post-its and photos on your computer screen and things like that. As you’re doing that, you can sort everything into the following 4 categories: books, papers, komono (miscellaneous items; you can make sub-categories as you see fit) and mementos (any sentimental items you keep in your workspace such as photos).
4) Clean
Take the chance and clean your desk, your computer screen, keyboard and everything else. Chances are, dirt and dust bunnies have accumulated over time and you’ve never really had a chance to clean your work area thoroughly. So now is a perfect time! It may seem daunting at first. But trust me, work in a spick and span environment feels so much more pleasant.
5) Rearrange
Now that everything is empty and clean, think about how your current set-up is serving you. Maybe you want to rearrange your entire desk or your computer. Or perhaps some of your filing cabinets would serve you better at a different spot. Now is the time to make these adjustments.
6) Declutter
Next, tackle the items in the 4 categories you created. Go through them in the designated order and determine for each item if it sparks joy, if they belong in your workspace and of course if the items are essential for your work. (Find a more thorough description of how to exactly go about tidying books, papers, komono and mementos here.)
7) Organize
Then, it’s time to put the items you want to keep back on your desk and other related storage units. As you do that, keep like items with like and store as much as possible in drawers and storage units. Try to keep your desk and other surfaces as clear as possible. Also, think about how frequently or infrequently you use things and assign places accordingly. Essentially, what you want to do is give all your items a designated “home”. That way, you know where everything belongs and you’ll be able to put items back at the end of the day easily and in no time.
8) Dispose
After you organized your desk and surrounding areas, it’s time to tend to the items that you deemed don’t spark joy. Determine which items need to be discarded, recycled, donated or “re-homed” (e.g., books you borrowed that need to be returned to the library, a colleague or friend) and make arrangements to do so.
9) Establish New Routines
Think back to your initial vision and determine if and how you want to establish new routines surrounding your work life and place. Also, in order for your desk and workplace to not return to a cluttered state again, make sure to put each item back to their designated “home” every day before you leave your workplace at night.
How do you keep your workplace tidy? Did this post give you some inspiration for how to do better?