Are you a keeper of books? Or do you call yourself a book lover even? Do you have a hard time letting go of books? Many people do. Many people have difficulties letting go of books for various reasons.
Some people simply say that they like being surrounded by a lot of books. Also, books are generally considered to be valuable in the sense that they can contain information you might want to look up again. “Just in case.” Another reason why it’s not always easy to get rid of books is that they haven’t been read or finished yet. “Someday I want to read it.”
Do you recognize yourself in one of those scenarios described above? Whatever the reason you have a hard time disposing of books, you might get to a point where you want to declutter your book collection. As a Certified KonMari Consultant, I encourage my clients to only keep the books that truly spark joy for them. Here are a few tips that can help you with regard to decluttering your books:
Already Read → Good To Go
Let go of all the books you’ve already read. You almost certainly won’t pick them up again. If you can let go of those books, you’re more likely to let new information come into your life.
Not Read Yet → Good To Go
I typically suggest to not keep unread books. Especially not those books you’ve had for a couple of months already and haven’t come around to start reading them. You probably won’t read those books in the months to come either. So why keep them? Also, letting go of those books eases the feeling of obligation and reduces anxiety.
Book Titles = Present/Future You
Sometimes looking at the bigger picture can help. It aids in figuring out which books you want to keep in your life and which ones are safe to go. Think about surrounding yourself with books that represent the person you want to be now or the person you strive to become. What’s left on your bookshelf should represent what you’re interested in at the moment. And it should inspire you to work on your goals and look at your future.
Book Titles = Figure Out Your You
Maybe you haven’t quite figured out yet who you are presently let alone who you want to be in the future. And that’s ok. In fact, decluttering can help you figure this out. If that’s you and you can’t really point your finger at what it is you’re passionate about just yet, go with your gut. That is, sort through your books quickly (without reading them) and put only those books on the “to keep”-pile that make you and your heart smile. At the end, you might look at your remaining books and have a glimpse of what it is you’re really interested in now. It might give you a first idea what you want to do in your life.
Are you a book keeper/lover? What are you particularly struggling with when it comes to letting go of books?