A sub-category of the KonMari clothing category is handbags, backpacks and any kind of bags you’re using to carry your things when you leave your home. When we tidy this particular category, I have my customers empty their bags completely. I make sure that every single bag is cleared out. Now, this is often met with hesitation or even resistance. Especially when I declare that I want them to empty their handbag every day from now on. No matter what, I always insist that they should at least give this new habit a try. You cannot know if something benefits you if you don’t even try it, right?
How To
Now here is what I suggest you do: Empty out your handbag every single day after coming home and placing all the items back to where they belong. This might be new to you but trust me, it makes life so much easier! First of all, you might want to use a different bag the next day. If all the things are in their designated place, you can easily fill your bag of choice with the things you need every day. Second, if you empty your bag every day you’re less likely to lug around a heavy bag with things you don’t need on a daily basis.
For things that you always carry in one of your bags (e.g., wallet, keys, tissues, etc.), I recommend you have a designated place or container by your entryway (such as a tray, bowl or drawer) where you place all your regular bag contents. If there is more than one person living in your home, you can have a dedicated container for each person. I personally use a black simple pot that lives on the shelf by my entryway. Having a designated place prevents you from scattering those items in various places all over your home.
Here is a summary of all the benefits of emptying out your bag every day:
- You save time because you know where all your regular bag contents are right away when you’re about to head out the door.
- Your mind will be less scatterbrained (because see above).
- You will lose things less frequently (no more questions like “where are my keys?”) which again saves you time (no. 1).
- Your home looks more tidy and neat because the kitchen table or other surfaces won’t be abused as dumping grounds for your bag contents anymore.
- You save money because you will not have to have multiples for each of your bags.
- You do your back and posture a favor by not carrying around things you don’t need.
- You will use your different bags more regularly because each one is empty and ready to go at all times.
Will you give the “empty your bag every day” habit a try? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below!